WaterMate : Control system

WaterMate : Control system »
Source code availability, Home Assistant integration, API available?

15 Jan, 21:37

I am a backer for the H-Series and I'm very excited to start growing plants and getting to use it.

I was browsing through the community topics and couldn't find answers to my questions, and since they are mostly related to the control system, I figured I'd ask them in here. So, here goes:

Is the source code for the control system and the web app available somewhere? I saw a Harvst-Uk organization on github, but no code.

Are there any plans for a Home Assistant integration? And in case there isn't, does the control system provide an API to get status information and control actuators like the pump, or toggle the light?

Last but not least: I saw that I can either use a cloud, or run in offline mode. Is it possible to connect the H-Series to my wifi, yet not use any cloud services but instead only use the web UI?

Thank you very much for your help, I'm really looking forward to starting this journey.

15 Jan, 21:47

Thanks for your interest!

The source code is currently private.

I would like to be able to open up an API to our cloud at some point soon, which would primarily be read-only for data.

Out of interest, what use cases do you see for wanting to control the device over API? It would potentially interfere with the device logic. "dim lights" by audio command potentially being one - but let me know more.

If the H-series is connected to your home wifi, it will POST to our servers periodically, sending data and receiving any commands ( such as a firmware update ). Some devices ( eg WaterMate ) can receive many commands remotely, including changing most settings, but the H-series was not designed with this since most of the time, you are at home when you want to change settings.

I think you are asking whether you can connect it to your WiFi ( so it's visible as a device at the IP address ) but NOT post to our servers. Technically possible, but for now, you would have to live with the POSTing of data. If it's on the local WiFi, you can use any of the GET and POST commands that the onboard server processes from the device UI; it's not a formal API but is functional.

15 Jan, 21:48
Out of interest - have we shipped yours to you yet? I don't see your email on our sales system.

16 Jan, 18:02
Hi Chris, thanks a lot for the quick response.

I don't think it has been shipped yet, in the Kickstarter update you mentioned they will be shipped next week?

I'm using several mail accounts, this one here is a general forum address, on Kickstarter I'm using a different one.

Controlling the device would absolutely be a secondary concern. One of the things that appeal to me is that I hope I won't need to micromanage the H-Series. Having some kind of integration with Homeassistant would be pretty great though. Basically anything that could be considered "smart" in my home talks to HA, sometimes to control and automate, sometimes just to log, monitor and display status data and historical data.

Having an API that I could use to query the controller would make writing a Homeassistant integration a breeze. Regularly logging temperature data, light, water usage, water level, nutrient data etc. would satisfy my inner nerd and might be helpful when trying to optimize the parameters for specific plants.

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