Harvst Web App

Harvst Web App »
iPhone Adding Home Screen

25 Jun, 15:20
Hello I have added a shortcut for the app to my iPhone Home Screen but can’t get it to load on the garden section of the app or even better the device page, is there a way to get this working?

25 Jun, 21:39
Hi there, it should be a case of going to the relevant page in the web app then choosing "add to home page" - I don't have an iPhone here but we have test ones at HQ, I will check in tomorrow.

26 Jun, 19:44
Hi Chris, I have tried a few times and can’t seem to get it working. I navigated to the devices page from safari and then add to Home Screen but when I click the icon it always starts on the home page.

26 Jun, 19:47
Also tried it with the Chrome app but no joy.

Paul S
26 Jun, 23:33
Hi Dickey TT
I just used this link on YouTube, link and managed to add the app to the home page of an Xr Iphone and if I swipe up after viewing the page, it will load the same page ( Watering Settings, Data, Plants etc ) as I was on, when clicking the icon.

Regards Paul

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