
Irrigation »
Pipe length

02 Jul, 17:30
Although my glasshouse is within the size limits for the pro system ( 8x16 ) I am struggling to work out how to get water to the capillary matting trays on both shelves and staging. The layout dictates that the water butt is one side of the internal partition, and the pump etc and control box on the other. I am assuming that a ring for each zone is ideal, but just passing pipe for one zone from one side to the other uses 10 metres of pipe. Will the pro system not work with more than 20 metres of the 13mm pipe? Do I need to buy two systems?
The photo was taken before the trays were delivered.

02 Jul, 17:32
Ooops. It should have read 'passing the pipe for two zones from one side to the other uses 10 metres of pipe' .

Paul S
02 Jul, 19:34
Hi HatfieldChris,
Don’t know if feasible or if it would make it any easier, but Harvst do a 10 meter pump extension cable, so you might be able to have the control unit one side and the pump near your water butt. As for the 20 meters of pipe, I would have thought it would be okay, might need more seconds to fill the pipe when watering and would recommend straggled watering on each zone.

Regards Paul

03 Jul, 08:14
Thanks. I will get some more pipe and try it.

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