WaterMate : Other

WaterMate : Other »
Water pressure and shrubblers

14 Jun, 20:58
Hi there. I’ve got the submerged water pump and solar power solution set up on my balcony. The balcony is split into 2 zones, each with approx 15m hoses that feed run off rings each with shrubblers connected. On each zone there are approx 4 sub zones each with 7-8 shrubblers. The issue I’m getting is that the water doesn’t appear to be creating enough power on each loop and there aren’t jets of water from the ends of each sprinkler. When I remove the cap the water creates a small jet but this can be intermittent rather than constant. I’m not sure how to best improve the flow or diagnosing the issue. Based on your faq’s I’m within the capacity of the pump. Appreciate its hard to diagnose a specific set up but any advice or recommendations appreciated.

15 Jun, 13:05
Not sure if it's the issue, but is the submersible pump limited to 10m runs per zone?

15 Jun, 13:16
Gingerdan - it sounds like you have too many outlets for the pump's capability. The shrubblers use quite a lot of water; we recommend a maximim number of pressure-compensated drippers which limit the amount of water they each use.

15 Jun, 18:25
Ok so if I swap some of the shrubblers for droppers and keep the shrubblers on their own loop that should work? The issue I’m trying to solve is that there are some more established plants that I was hoping the shrubblers would water but if I had a combo of shrubblers and drippers on the same loop the drippers didn’t work. Will experiment some more with set up.

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